3 Reasons To Shop Local


Now more than ever it is important to support the local businesses around you. Whether that is your favorite hole in the wall diner to get take out from or your go-to boutique for clothing. No matter the business, they are all important to support, and here is why.

1. By supporting them, you are supporting their families

A local business goes beyond just the owner. It is the owner’s family that is impacted as well. By choosing to shop local you are choosing to support a local family, and that is pretty amazing. You never know what dream(s) you are helping to make a reality when you shop local.

2. The more you support local the more local businesses you will see

One of the things we hear is, “Why aren’t there more boutiques?” “Why aren’t there more local restaurants?” Well, the reason is, if you aren’t already supporting the local businesses that are currently in place then how do you expect more to rise. The more you support local the more you will see new places popping up.

3. You build a relationship

It’s like when you are a frequent Starbucks goer and you walk up to order and (insert your barista’s name here) already has your total ready for you because she knows your order. When you support local you get to know the people that you are supporting and they get to know you.

Now don’t get me wrong there is always a necessity for Target in our lives. But what if next time you make a Target run you leave the wine on the shelf there and pick up from a local wine shop. Or if you know the pair of jeans you are about to order from a mass online retailer, a local boutique carries in your town, check and see if they have them in stock.

Supporting local goes so much deeper than just financially. Being a local shop ourselves we see first-hand effects. We are grateful for every order, big or small during this crazy time. We appreciate YOU.



Laura Biggins