Small Business Love


Over a week ago The Vinyl Studio celebrated Small Business Saturday, and to say it was incredible would be an understatement. We had the most successful weekend with our customers and had the opportunity to meet some new faces, as well! As a small business, we appreciate the outpouring of support we’ve received during a year full of trials and hardships. You all are fiercely loyal customers, and your continued support does not go unnoticed.

We know you’ve heard it a hundred times (and especially more than ever this year), “Shop Local, Shop Local, Shop Local!” But what does shopping local truly mean to a small business like The Vinyl Studio? The team at TVS recapped our favorite reasons why we continue choose to shop local and why you should, too:

  1. You are a small part of someone’s story: People pour their entire life into their dream to make it a reality. Many years of hard work, time, money, and passion go into creating a small business and when you purchase something, you are changing someone’s life and helping to keep their dream alive.

  2. You get to know your neighbors: Purchasing your Holiday gifts at a local shop, dining at a local restaurant, or grabbing your daily latte from a local coffee shop can lead to the most unexpected friendships. The owners + workers remember you and genuinely care about you. Build and foster those relationships within your community!

  3. You know exactly where your money is going: Create one-of-a-kind neighborhoods by keeping your money in the local economy. Money is always better spent when you know exactly where it is going and what it is going towards.

Whether you have purchased one of our staple custom t-shirts in the store or have come to us with a custom screen printing order, we truly appreciate YOU and your business! Keep shopping local; The Vinyl Studio & local businesses across the country love it more than you know.

From the entire TVS team, we thank you for shopping local with us!

Laura Biggins